Saturday, May 29, 2010

OIL SPILL 2 Lubricate your mind

Understanding the Scam in the face of Enviromental Catastrophe can be explained quite simply.
There is more money in the Clean-up than Prevention of the next !!!! Smell the cheese  kiddies.

It's worth mentioning here that the people who bought you, Bank Bailout's, Wall Street Bonuses, Invasion of
Iraq, Torture is OK, the constitution is NOT etc, the same ilk who refuse to re-open 9-11 for independent inquiry. The corporate PROFIT machine that now dictates America & the world for most of it....
are the same people the world expects to clean up this mess ? Laughablejust as the Aid money fo the Tsunami
& Haiti get's shelved & or pocketed by the world bankers, so to will the Damages cash for those truely affected by this disaster.

With all that Military Tech, yet they can't plug the Hole. WHY ? Cause it's way more money & put's a whole new  downer on the consciousness of mankind keeping all in the fear cycle, creating an even stronger argument for an Enviromental Fascist Police state to enforce the Carbon (breathig) Tax

Here are just some obvious yet undiscussed point of this Event......

1. The History of BP & the largest portion of it's private shareholders are in the ROYAL FAMILY.
Have you heard any comments from the Oh so green and caring ROYALS ? Didn't think so.
2. Because of 1. the damage payout is like interest on a loan the longer it takes to fix, the more damage done
the fatter the cleanup check.
3. OIL = WAR & a very profitable war if it's being spilt, the clean up contracts will only go to the largest of firms so they need it to be the largest of spills. Carlyle or Haliburton are probably already lining up.
4. An OIL spill in the back yard of the USA makes getting OIL from the Middle East, & the related war efforts attached very attractive especially if your a resident in Luisiana ?

Politicians never fixed or saved anything.... GIVE me just one example

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Guide Stones Site There is a real interesting history behind these tablets starts in 1979 interesting point is the 500,000,000 pops up in a few references, prior to 1979 ? The wiki take on the stones is a good place to start if it's the first time you heard of the stones.
Oh yeh it's real, they are there here on google maps (may be some interesting secret location for
a space ship pick up 2012 ?)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

do you believe in the place to which you are being led ?

Some people will believe the strangest of things merely because they appear in the webs digital landscape never questioned, never research and rarely investigated.

Monday, June 15, 2009

This crazy gravy train ! Next stop Bedlam ?

The Docmuentaries are all linked below or click on the BLOG ARCHIVES to the right- >, if some are inactive just drop a comment and I will see if I can find a new link or fix......

I carry a weathered and battered soul across this landscape of human design in cities & societies built on laws of expectations of my ignorant servitude, with statutes & declarations in the face of our freedoms decline.

None of this is truthfully mine, yet they hold me accountable in the construct of time, In their game of which the rules are seldom shown & thus never known,

For a dollar can do, what a dollar wants & if it seems wrong or even proven unjust

Then irrational minds shall secretly meet together to re-legislate and re-interpret until the most obscene actions become accepted and just.

Oh what shame that today our minds are less independent & critical in thought calculations ,as the underlying profit is the souls motivation, tearing away at the value of humanity, now only measured by the out-put of production, no longer naturally harmonized or interdependent with the grand environmental organism, we know as Earth.

So we coast along the tracks to inevitable devastation, I stop to scribble these thoughts (by Unknown Author)


With a willingness to be open-minded and open-hearted, whilst seeking new information and new ways, then while listening to our core being, not the cor-poration in our heads, we will all find our own truth.

There is no reason in fear, leave it where it was manufactured and start heading home to who we really are. Conciousness

From a young age I knew there was more to all of this, these Documentaries that are free to watch online & some you can even download, have been compiled in a simple space for your convenience & interest.

Why do we continue to serve a system that does not serve us ?
What's happening to the world ?
What future/hope is there ?
What can I do ?

These documentaries, are the most informative and important collation of information that mainstream media is trying hard to keep you from.

I don't propose all the information contained with in such documentaries as gospel truth
but certainly encourage you to do you own crossreferencing, to find your ground.

The World According to Monsanto (shamefully these guys made Agent Orange right here in NZ) Pt 1/10 (just keep clicking through each Pt as needed)

Racism A History (covers areas discussed by Rob Menard) part-1 part-2 part-3 part-4 part-5 part-6

Newly discovered Documentaries & new streaming links to End of Empire a "MUST SEE"

End of Empire Pt 1/4 Pt 2/4 Pt 3/4 Pt 4/4
What a way to go Now available as a 4 part series (I had to down this from

Power of Nightmares Pt 1

This 3 Part Documentary show clearly how Good & Evil collaborate in order to get us to consent to fear in order that we willingly trade liberty for security.
Or the sense of of security.

Power of Nightmares Part 2 (each part is different but begins the same for the first 5 minutes)

Power of Nightmares Part 3 (each part is different but begins the same for the first 5 minutes)

The Century of Self Part 1 of 4 (a deeper look at the beginings CONsumer clonning propaganda machine, "buy now feel good for ever" )



Earthlings- Very strong and confronting probably best viewed last.

Addendum- A good start for the academic/historian/analytical tendered mind

Kymatica- We are connected, all the way down & up the food chain

Esoteric Agenda- Atheist or Skeptic, those who use or use the belief to manipulate. (no thanks)

Bursting Bubbles- The word play of established control, arm yourself lawfully.

Magnificent Deception - lawfully declare your freedom

Garbage Warrior
- The Future of Housing & Comunity

Obama Deception
- Take a closer look at the admiistration

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Sunday, May 31, 2009

56965 Auckland CBD ?

See it once then see it everywhere, hijacking your periferil vision.
56965 or maybe 29692 either way black on white or white on black
you'll be tempted by her calculative seduction.

REALLY this video is just an experiment to tentatively hijack, the elusive objective
of the 56965 Akl City sticker campaign to bring you here to the blog of MUST SEE
Documentaries. !!!!!

The world cultures revolve in a cardioid memeplex kind of way, until they become multiples of infinite cultural identities.